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I got the cover back!

I have been busy all fricking day! And what a long, draining day it’s been… However, it’s also been filled with fantastic news, the biggest of which is that my graphics team came back with concept cover for the upcoming Bad Girls of Erotica anthology, “No Boys Allowed!”

It’s not technically the official cover though. The primary cover person over at Boruma also made a cover, so currently it’s being put to a vote as to which one to use. Here are the covers being considered, with the one my team made first:


v1   BAD GIRLS - No Boys Allowed   BAD GIRLS - No Boys Allowed 2


What do you guys think?

In other good news, my brother has agreed (after about 10.5 spider monkeys) to give me control of his literary universe, as long as I promise to not porn it up. I can’t wait to get started on it…but then, I have literary projects of my own too, both erotica and non-erotica…

Good thing I love being a writer!

Another bit of good news: Amore is finished and off to the Beta Reader Hit Squad! I managed to get it down to under 12,000 words, but that’s as good as I can do. So hard, that was!

Anyway, I’m taking the rest of the day off (what few hours I have left) and watching Lucifer/reading/crawling in a ball on my bed and decompressing.

Until tomorrow loves.

Think of me.


“Sex is emotion in motion.”

– Mae West


  1. EJ on November 26, 2017 at 7:56 pm

    Honestly, I like the first cover, only I think maybe with some sort of red border of some sort around the white, for a bit of color contrast! The other ones seem a bit too “busy”, with the graphics in the background.

  2. Lamar on November 26, 2017 at 9:21 pm

    Well, I got to admit something that I love each other of the covers. However, cover number one is much better to my liking and way more interesting and more showy! 😉🤤🤤🤤🤤

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