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Upside down…

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just seemed upside down? Like the universe is fucking with you just to see what kind of reaction it’ll get?

This is that day for me.

I did get “The Secret Life of Miel” revised finally, and it took the entire time I have allotted for writing. Not only is it a big story, but it was also one of my first, which means there were a TON of errors and cosmetic upgrades.

It also gave me a lot of ideas. I’m not sure if I’ve let this slip yet, but “… Miel” is the catalyst story for the entire Nephilim series – the main character in the Nephilim series, Jazmyn, is Miel’s daughter (who is featured at the end of the book) all grown up. Her father, Piotr, is even in the first half of it…


Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day, but I’m hell-bent to at least transform Miel into a paperback (which have been selling surprisingly well! I had no idea people still read physical books like that anymore!) so I can focus all my creative energies on my Zazzle endeavor. I’m really looking forward to it.

Anyway, until tomorrow, my loves…


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