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Don’t Cry, Daddy’s Here

by Brinda Carey This book will not be easy to read. It is not a cozy, friendly little book meant to cheer you up and brighten your day. It is, however, a starkly true story of what happened to a little girl born in Texas in 1960. Brinda Carey’s first 22 years were an unimaginable…

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Halloween Vibes and Self-Reflection

Halloween has always been a weird holiday for me. I mean, don’t get me wrong—I love dressing up, I love candy (way too much), and I love all the spooky decorations. But there’s something about Halloween that hits a little differently the older I get. Like, it’s no longer just about the costumes or parties;…

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The simpler me…

Dear Diary, Back when I first started writing (almost an entire decade now!), I started writing diary entries every day because I read online that it would be a great way to connect with readers. You know, give them constant access to your life, thoughts, and updates to your writing endeavors. I managed to pull…

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Extended vacations. And bitch-slapping your friends.

Dear Diary, I’m an overly creative person, and that often gets me in trouble. 😄 Whether it be with my writing or relationships, my imagination often gets the better of me, causing all sorts of issues that ordinary people simply don’t have. No one is safe. Not my big brother, my Baby Squirrel, my Subscribestar…

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How I write a Book. And Koreans stealing my time…

Dear Diary, If there was one question I get asked more than any other (perverted questions from incels don’t count), it’s how I write a book, and why it seems to take so much longer for me to release a new story compared to other authors. To be completely honest, I have dyslexia to blame…

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I’m a writing beast! Except when I’m not…

Dear Diary, I learned a long time ago that the thing you love most can kill you if you let it. Back when I first started writing, I didn’t take it very seriously: I just sat down and repeatedly slapped the keyboard, letting my kinky imagination have free reign with little regard to plot, character…

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They Killed My Baby…

Dear Diary, My Patreon is dead. To make a long story short, they took some of the titles of a few of my books literally and assumed they contained incest and underage sexual content. Without consulting me, they deleted my account and refunded my Patreon subscribers. They then emailed me, informing me of their actions…

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The Demon in the Bottle…

Dear Diary, Addiction is a motherfucker. Ever since I was a teenager (and a bit even before that), alcohol has been a mainstay in my life, something that was attached to almost all of my fondest memories. To put it bluntly, I drank alcohol like most people drank water. When I made the conscious decision…

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SuperSisi (Pronounced “Suh-Suh”)

When I first saw a post from SuperSisi on my Twitter feed, I immediately stopped scrolling and cocked my head. I consider myself a fairly avid gamer, but this girl seemed consumed by it. So I jumped to her feed and perused her past posts, and my eyes widened even further. This girl was all…

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