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Headphones and porn videos…

Magik-Marvel-Comics-New-Mutants-Illyana-RasputinDear Diary…

I think I’m coming down with something. My energy level (which is ordinarily limitless) has been extraordinarily low these past few days, and even more alarming, my urge to write has been next to nothing. I can hear – and feel – a slight rasping in my chest when I breathe, and I keep finding myself gravitating towards the bed to nap. Even writing to you, dear Diary, is a bit of a chore at the moment. I just want to sleep.

I haven’t told my brother any of this, of course, because I know what his reaction would be: to staple me in bed. And I don’t wanna be stapled in bed. I have things to do, stories to write, readers to communicate with. Social media to…social…

If this lethargic feeling continues tomorrow, I’m going to bust open the medicine cabinet and drug the hell out of myself. Or maybe just buy some beer. I don’t know. I’m undecided at the moment.

There were two distinct highlights of my day, however.

The first was tricking Anne into watching the infamous 2 Girls 1 Cup video after telling her it was a hot as hell porn clip. She’s still mad at me. So worth it.

The other distinct highlight is my new headphones that should be here Wednesday!




I used the money I was refunded for my old ones and bought the newer model, which I didn’t even know existed. It has longer battery life, more prominent ear muffs, and is lighter than my previous ones. I’m so excited to get them. Hopefully, I’ll feel better by then. I also bought a four-year extended warranty just in case. I need my headphones.

That’s all for now, dear Diary. I have a bed that is screaming my name…



“When I sing, I feel like when you’re first in love. It’s more than sex. It’s that point two people can get to they call love, when you really touch someone for the first time, but it’s gigantic, multiplied by the whole audience. I feel chills.”

– Janis Joplin


  1. Ronnie Mullins on December 18, 2017 at 9:12 pm

    Lmfao did you really trick her into watching 2 girls 1 cup? Way to go on the headphones good choice. Now get some rest my dear your health is what matters most.

    • Alexa Nichols on December 20, 2017 at 8:06 pm

      Rest is the bane of my existence. 😀

  2. Lamar on December 19, 2017 at 1:18 am

    Oh wow, she might probably kill you for that and as for the headphones, you finally got them instead of waiting longer. I’m sorry, Alexa that you are sick and want you to get will soon. Just drink some hot tea, get some vitamin c and take it easy. My poor sweetie is sick and i want you not to do much. 😭😭🖤🖤😘 I’m stuck with toothache, though.

    • Alexa Nichols on December 20, 2017 at 8:07 pm

      I’m sorry you have a toothache! Those suck. Have you thought about going to the dentist for it?

      • Lamar on December 20, 2017 at 8:24 pm

        It’s healing so far. It’s just a swelling and it’ll go back to regular size in a few days. I’m not as bad as I was when the pain first started. But thank you for thinking of me of course, sweetie as I heal up.

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