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People Watcher

Yes, I’m a people watcher. It was part of the reason I was so interested in doing a storyline like Voyeur (for those of you getting my newsletter, you’ll be getting a free copy of it this month – and each episode after). I think people give away a lot about themselves without even trying; without even being aware.

Little things.

Eye contact, movements, fidgeting, the way they walk…so many signals a person projects on a subconscious level and isn’t even aware of. It’s fascinating…especially when they have no idea they are being watched, when they think no one is watching them. You can learn so much about a person…

Why is this predominately on my mind today – enough for me to fill out my entire Diary entry with it? Let’s just say I’ve been a bit naughty – in a voyeuristic sense – and the payoff was unexpectedly delicious.

Just so I don’t forget when I look back on this entry years down the roads: ALMONDS.









  1. Richie G on March 28, 2017 at 1:16 pm

    WRONG! You can’t say this about your voyeuristic experience to kinky people like myself and just leave it at that! Especially throwing in that it resulted in a payoff being “delicious” C’MON, SHARE! 😉

  2. Richie G on March 29, 2017 at 9:09 am

    Ha! Ha! Ha!

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