Trump. And Cold Water.
It seems like all my social media accounts are being flooded lately with people either for or against Trump as our president and trying their best to make everyone else know (and care about?) their opinion. So many people are casually throwing around statements like “not my president” and posting all kind of derogatory memes…
Read MoreLaid back, yet productive
It’s been an amusing, laid back, overall good day today. And I happened to get a lot of writing done (like a little over 6 hours’ worth) to boot. AND my brother was uncharacteristically sweet and hacked Anne’s Wii so it will play NES, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Gameboy Classic / Color / Advance, Nintendo 64,…
Read MoreSlept in!
So I ended up sleeping in and practically leaped out of bed, scaring the hell out of Rebecca as I got dressed like a Tasmanian devil. And then SHE realized that she slept in too, and shit really got chaotic. 😄 It wasn’t a bad day, though. A bit weird, yes, but humorous and productive,…
Read MoreYesterday
Sorry about yesterday, guys. I kind of got hit with a lot of things hours before my Diary entry time, and when things hit me like that I tend to cocoon and just analyze everything. Which led me to realize that I tend to over dramatize things; it has a lot to do with my…
Read MoreGoodnight
Honestly, I’m not in the mood to write anything in my diary today. If this was a pen and paper diary, I would simply skip the entry, but I made a promise to you guys that I would write in this thing every day, so – I am. And, unlike some people, I keep my…
Read MoreTemporary silence
Have you ever had one of those days where you barely spoke but thought furiously about almost everything? That was the first part of my day. Thinking. Analyzing. For no real reason! If this is how my big brother J.C. feels most of the time, I have no idea how he remains sane. Me, I…
Read MoreA Conversation
Every once in a while I like to post a conversation on my Diary page – not to shame anyone (I usually conceal the name of the other party if it’s a negative convo) but to give you an example of the kinds of things people say to me privately. Sometimes it’s amusing, sometimes annoying,…
Read MoreSlacking
My day has been spent playing video games (Zelda II: The Adventure of Link / The Sims 4), reading, watching Real Housewives of Atlanta with Anne, and annoying the hell out of my big brother by hanging all over him while he was trying to write. Oh, and I tried to do a small amount…
Read MoreQedesha: Sacred Prostitution is officially a paperback!
So I made the mistake of drinking a small 8 oz. cup of coffee today. I couldn’t help it: Anne was napping, which means I had most of the lights turned down, which made me start to get tired, and I thought to myself self, what harm could a little tiny 8 oz. cup of…
Read MoreInternational Kiss A Ginger Day!
So I posted a few months back declaring it international #KissAGingerDay – and someone happened to unearth it and retweet it this morning, which caused my Twitter to go absolutely insane for several hours after. I’m not complaining at all, either, because I love interacting with you guys; it’s just funny to me how something…
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