Newsletter Signup form is active!
If you haven’t signed up for my monthly newsletter yet, quit reading right now and do so. Just go to the bottom of any page and enter your name and email address and click sign up. That’s it. Once you’re done, you’ll receive a code for a free audiobook – any audiobook you want –…
Read MoreBusy…
Basically, my entire day has been spent alternating between author work and reading, with a small amount of Zelda 2 playing mixed in for good measure. If it wasn’t for Anne, who spent the day (and is spending the night) with me, I would be in a writing fugue, completely unresponsive to anything save a…
Read MoreQedesha is LIVE!
As I was starting this diary entry, I received an email from Amazon that Qedesha (Sacred Prostitution) is live, so if you want to snag yourself a copy, you can find it here: I’m very excited about this, as I love the hell out of that book. When you read it, you’ll see why. 😛…
Read MoreChapped nose
So I just got a message from my cover artist saying that my next cover – my last cover of the year – will be ready in the next 12 hours. And about 30 minutes ago I received a nice length email from one of the members of my Beta Reader Hit Squad detailing out…
Read MoreHermit
I know my diary entries have been crap these past few days, but honestly, when I’m sick the last thing I want to do is sit down and write. I don’t even write fiction – I just kind of curl up into bed and go all fetal, only getting up when I have to use…
This Friday sucks. Still sick. Ridiculous. Medicine is helping though. Love you guys. Going back to bed. #Love
Read MoreSnotting. And horny.
So my brother went to Wally World and bought like $40 in medicine for me just so I can get over this cold. And I immediately jumped on it like was a Rebecca sandwich. (Hmmm…) Sorry, just had a very vivid mental image that derailed my train of thought. 😀 And that’s the weird thing…
Read MoreKinky Literature Strikes Again!
My friends at Kinky Literature are apparently working overtime today! Which makes me feel really bad, because I’ve been shuffling around the house in my robe and slippers coughing and snotting all over the place, barely getting anything done. But Kinky Literature…well, they’ve really been at it – for me! For example: My latest book,…
Read MoreBeta Reader Hit Squad!
I’m not gonna lie: my body is hating the shit out of me right now. I just recovered from the flu and decided to go to Walmart yesterday and do some shopping for home crap and woke up last night at about 2 AM coughing like a non-smoker trying to smoke one of those Cheech…
Read MoreStrippers at the baby shower…
Man did I get a lot of things done today! It was like my day was sponsored by Red Bull or something because all the author/personal tasks that I had piled up I just killed like your average Game of Thrones episode. And not only did I get all my tasks done, but I managed…
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