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Watched the shit out of Veronica Mars. Read The Flowers in the Attic. Played some games on my NES. Took Anne out for McDonalds and clothes shopping. Exhausted. Goodnight. #Zzzzzz

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Nephilim: Prisoner

I slept in like a champion today, until almost noon! That hasn’t happened in a very long time. It felt good. I apparently really needed it! My day was spent mostly catching up on the writing that I owe (which I didn’t – I still have a little over 6 hours to make up) and…

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I am seriously humbled by the reviews my beta readers have been giving me over “Nephilim: Daybreak”. I’ll be posting these reviews from time to time, because honestly they really touch my heart, and I want to share them with you guys. I took a big risk when I wrote Nephilim because it was not…

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My first Nephilim review!

So one of my beta readers is already done reading “Nephilim: Daybreak”, and she’s highly enthusiastic about it, which really excites me. One down, four more to go! (I only enlist five beta testers per project, and I try to get new ones each time) I’ve already started adding little tidbits here and there to…

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It’s ready!!!

Finally finished compiling Nephilim for my beta readers! After I finished this diary entry, it’s going out to them! I am, honestly, incredibly nervous but also excited. It’s a wonderful feeling. After they finish reading it and sending me their critiques, I’m going to add a few more things and send it to my editor…

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Almost done!!!

I’m only a few hours of work away from sending Nephilim to my beta readers (if I hadn’t been called in to work today, it would have already been sent), and to be honest, I’m really nervous about it. It’s such a drastic change from the kinds of stories I normally write, and I’m really…

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The usual…

You know you’re too hood when someone offers you a red sweater and you start mentally reviewing gang turf in your area to see if you can wear it. True story. (I ended up turning it down) Anyway, I’m almost done compiling “Nephilim: Daybreak” for my beta readers! The reason it’s taking so long is…

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Loved my Sunday…

I loved my Sunday: watched the shit out of Veronica Mars with Anne, compiled more of Nephilim for my beta readers, and for the most part stayed in bed and relaxed! ❤ This coming up week is going to be busy, so I’m enjoying my relaxing time while I can. Oh, and harassing Anne while…

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A great day!

I feel practically perfect today. Got a shit ton of author work done, had amazing sex last night, and had a day of record-breaking sales. And I’m drunk! 😀 Anne came over and we played some WWE on the Wii (which neither one of us won because we couldn’t figure out the controls) and my…

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Da weekend!!!

So I took Anne to work today cause Alexa. She actually had fun, and it was fun having her there – even though most of the time she sat quietly in a recliner because she was too shy to really speak to anyone. But then, that’s just her way – one of the most endearing…

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