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My first bad review…

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying my day, but very little of it had anything to do with actual writing. I mean, I did do some writing related things here and there, but for the most part, I’ve just been goofing off and enjoying myself – every time I try to get down to writing my mind strays off and I get distracted by something else.
And I’m not complaining. Apparently, my brain needed a break.
But yeah, as the title of this post suggests, I received my first bad review on Amazon today. It was over my bestselling Quickies story, “No, Daddy! I’m Not Mommy!” by some Amazon Customer that has an account suspiciously empty of any kind of content (except for the review of my book, of course). The owner of the account is, however, apparently following two other erotica authors, people named “July Cumming” and “Winter Renshaw”.
Things that make you go hmmm…
Anyway, here’s the review:
(1 Star Rating) “This story was awful. I would not recommend it to anyone. It pretends to have a plot but the writer seem to realize even a fake plot needs to be developed.”
After I read that, I blinked at the screen for a moment, took a deep breath
and laughed.
Some people are just stupid motherfuckers. It’s a Quickies story. A short Quickies story. The “plot “was summed up in the book’s description. Regardless, it’s a Quickies story – all my Quickies stories are pretty much little more than short erotic romps with a very simple, easily visible plotline. And while they all are woven together into one massive continuous story with recurring characters (kind of like a freaky soap-opera), they each have a dominant sexual theme.
This does not, however, mean they do not have a plot.
I’ve heard about reviews like this popping up on other erotica authors, it’s just never happened to me. After I hit up some of my erotica author friends, most of them told me they suspect it’s actually other erotica authors – or friends and family of other erotica authors – that’s putting these bullshit reviews up.
Which is extremely pathetic.
What is this, fucking high school all over again?
The reality is, I write what turns me on. This does not mean I expect the things I write to turn on everyone. If what turned one person on turned everyone on, there wouldn’t be so many different types of pornography out there. It’s really a very simple concept.
The review on top of it, from another Amazon Customer with a fully fleshed out profile, I like much better 😛
(5 Star Rating) “Very good read, very steamy! Quick read. Would recommend it to anyone that likes daddy daughter relationships. I loved it”
Annnnnnnyway. 😉
I woke up at 3AM this morning practically jumping out of bed and getting all kinds of non-writing author things done, and figured I’d pretty much just take the day over and make it my bitch…
…well, I’ve taken 2 naps since then! 😀 One of them was with my client while we were trying to watch Jerry Springer (I’m a certified caregiver provider, and the woman I take care of also happens to be the coolest person on the planet next to my brother), and the other after I got home and set my laptop up to write.
So the day ended up making me it’s bitch! 😀
Anyway, I’m taking my brother to watch Suicide Squad in about an hour, so I have to get ready. Especially since I plan on staying up tonight to get the writing done I was supposed to do before I left for work.
I’ll tell you how the movies was tomorrow.
Love you guys!


  1. Naive Gnostic on August 26, 2016 at 11:22 pm

    Try not to let it get you down too much. You can’t please everyone. Some people are just haters too and enjoy trolling bad comments on people. It is an uncritical review that is more superficial than the claim it makes against your story. The sad thing is that you’ll have to endure its effect on your rating. I think the best response to such an attack is write an ever better story. Success is always the best revenge.

    • alexa nichols on August 27, 2016 at 3:17 am

      See, this is why I fucks with you, cutie! ❤

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