Nerd shit…
So one of my brother’s latest obsessions is this show on HBO called “Newsroom”, which I have until today avoided watching at all costs. He kept trying to get me to watch it, but – even though I love TV – I have so many shows that I want to watch already that I loathe cramming anything else in there.
Plus it looks like some straight “nerd shit”. (It pisses my brother off, much to my delight, every time I say something he likes is nerd shit)
I heard a bit of the first episode when I was writing and it completely captivated me. It was a speech on America, and why it used to be great, but isn’t anymore. It was… powerful, to say the least. So, next thing I know, I’m cuddled up with my brother on the couch watching it with him.
And now I’m hooked.
The show really made me think, and sparked a really deep conversation with my otherwise stoic brother. It is a really, really good show. So now I’m adding yet another show on my list of things to watch – if you were to see my HBO Go / Netflix / Hulu show list, you would think I was insane. Of course, the people that truly know me, know I really am. X-D
Anyway, I’m going to write a little bit more tonight and watch some more Dr. Who. Some more “nerd shit” that I got hooked on recently, thanks to the bestie.
So until tomorrow…