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I just have one thing to say to you guys today: don’t be like this fuckboy.




And here’s what prompted the message: he messaged me the other day and my assistant neglected to tell me. He just said “Hi”. Cool. So when I saw that I missed the message, I apologized and explained what happened, then asked him how his day was going. I received the above as a response.

I get way too many similar emails and messages from idiots like this, and it really baffles me. I mean, what kind of girl falls for stupid shit like that? Would you really want the kind of girl that did? And what quality of guy even writes these kinds of things? I’m honestly baffled.

Remember: only you can stop the spreading of Fuckboyism. If left untreated, it can result in a severe case of older brother tracking you down and kicking your ass. Friends don’t let friends be Fuckboys.

In summary, just keep these five things in mind when you message me and we’ll be perfect:

  1. I am not online to “hook up”. That’s pathetic.
  2. I love to flirt. But there are lines. If you don’t understand that, simply don’t message me.
  3. I will put you on blast if you get rude or disrespectful. I have enough shit to deal with as it is, I don’t need Fuckboys like “CmoCharo” making things even harder.
  4. The internet is not as anonymous as you may think.
  5. Unlike a lot of other authors, I take the time to answer all my messages and emails personally. I don’t allow my assistant to touch them. So please be respectful when you start communicating with me. I’m taking time out of my life (and writing!) to respond to you. That’s a big deal.

So there you have it. My 5 rules. I love communicating with you guys (and girls 😉 ), and look forward to continuing to do so for many years to come. After all, this is only my first year writing. I’m just getting started. 😉








People who substitute soda for water disgust me. But I swallow jizz for a living so who cares?

—Asa Akira


  1. Jamie on March 9, 2017 at 4:05 am


    • Alexa Nichols on March 11, 2017 at 11:09 pm

      If I could upload an image in my comment, you would get your wish. 😛

      • Jamie on March 12, 2017 at 5:15 am

        Is that a feature request?

        • Alexa Nichols on March 12, 2017 at 6:06 pm

          Nah. No reason to implement that. Otherwise meme’s will get posted and who knows what other kinds of pictures… 😀

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