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An unproductive day…

UntitledToday was a completely unproductive day, as you can probably guess from the title of this Diary entry. I don’t know why, either, because I had all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted. I just felt zero compulsion to do so. It’s like my creative tank is entirely empty – so much so that writing for an hour left me exhausted and wanting to take a nap. As soon as I quit writing, I felt better.

It looks like I’ll be taking a small vacation after all.

At least for today.

Tomorrow it’s going down like a one-legged fat chick in a kickboxing competition.

Aside from surprising prego (Natalie, my brother’s fiancée, and my assistant) with Pizza Hut, it’s been an uneventful, dreary day. Hopefully tomorrow my writing spark will be back.

Until then: Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition!




“Sexuality surrounds us like a dangerous aura. The same reverence that is given to the spirit is not given to the flesh. We have had a sexual revolution, but the sexual revolution only has made sex more pervasive. It hasn’t granted the level of reverence and respect that it should have.”

– Gioconda Belli


  1. Lamar on December 7, 2017 at 9:02 pm

    Wow, it was really a quiet low-key day for both of us and at least, I have my story now release in parts while editing so far. It’s going to be okay, sweetie! 😊😘😙😜

    • Alexa Nichols on December 8, 2017 at 10:33 pm

      I know! I read what you posted! Keep it up! Do you actually make money off that?

      • Lamar on December 8, 2017 at 10:40 pm

        Awwwww, thank you, Alexa! I’m glad you liked what you saw so far despite I’m rough form. I’m not so sure about that though!

  2. Ronnie Mullins on December 7, 2017 at 10:35 pm

    Same here not much going on. Home, work, headphones in as not to listen to Christmas music all day. Dead and Company live, now home to shower then ben and do it all over again tomorrow. Keep strong your spark can never elude you for long. Now go spider monkey the brother unit or something.😂

    • Alexa Nichols on December 8, 2017 at 10:34 pm


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