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Gotta go! ✈

Dear Diary, I’m writing this 30 minutes before I have to leave because the day completely blazed by and I got sidetracked 13 different ways. It was a hell of a hectic day, but I managed to get everything done that I wanted/needed to do considering I’m not going to be able to work for…

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Dear Diary, Busy busy busy busy busy… Absolutely nothing entertaining happened today. All I did was author things. All. Fricking. Day. I did this because during the weekend I try and give myself a break from writing-related things, so I wanted to get as much done as I could. The result? Well. I finished the…

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Hitting the ground running

Dear Diary, It felt absolutely wondrous to jump back into the daily routine of writing. And I finished a lot of it, knocking out the yellow revision of Knocking Up The MILF, working on The Siren’s Song for a bit, and – finally – dived headfirst into Nephilim: Prisoner, the sequel to Nephilim: Daybreak. It…

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