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Dear Diary,

Busy busy busy busy busy…

Absolutely nothing entertaining happened today. All I did was author things. All. Fricking. Day. I did this because during the weekend I try and give myself a break from writing-related things, so I wanted to get as much done as I could.

The result?


  • I finished the green revision of The Siren’s Song. Which means all I have to do is grammar check Monday and get it out to my Beta Reader Hit Squad. And then everyone on Patreon gets it for free! Everyone else will get it May of 2019.
  • I approved the final version of The Qedesha’s Handmaiden: A Qedesha Story. Now we’re just waiting on Audibles approval.
  • Was informed that Voyeur: Season 1, Episode 5 has been accepted by Amazon for August 1st preorder and is currently going through the final stages of publishing.
  • Was also informed that the new edition of Knocked Up In Prison! was accepted and is available now. So, if you’ve bought it previously, refresh it or something. I have no idea how Amazon handles new editions. I know they provide newer editions to buyers, but… I decided not to redo the cover, because I kind of like the one I have now. But the insides? Beautiful. 😊
  • A little birdie told me that I have a new Patreon subscriber! 🙌 Thank you, Warren van Tassell, for joining me on the Voyeur tier! It is really, really appreciated, and I hope you’ll like the rewards you get as a result!
  • And finally, I published yet another answer on my Quora account, something I plan to do at least once a week. Maybe more, I dunno. We’ll see.

Anyway, it’s time for me to mentally unwind and dive into some Skyrim with Anne.

I love you all.

Thank you for reading.

I mean that, by the way. Thank you. 💖



💡 The More You Know 💡

A woman’s breasts increase in size by up to 25% when she is sexually aroused.


  1. Anne Barrett on May 4, 2018 at 11:43 pm

    Skyrim 4L.😍

  2. Lamar on May 5, 2018 at 12:15 am

    Well, you gotten a lot done and I had just gotten the four Voyeur books! I can’t wait to start reading them ! 😊

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