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My addiction…

Is it possible to be addicted to writing? Serious question. And if it is possible, is such an addiction a bad thing? Because I’m pretty sure I am, and to be honest I’m completely OK with it. Most days I find myself constantly jotting down notes, ideas, thoughts, characters, etc. for future stories, and while…

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Writing restriction…

So I’ve been put on writing restriction by Anne. We were wrestling around (something we do a lot) and I winced when she grabbed my left wrist. She thinks the reason it hurts is because of how often I write. And I can’t really argue because she’s probably right. So I spent the entire day…

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Phi Beta Pie – BANNED

I think Amazon is crushing on me or something. 😄 I swear at one point or another all of my books have been banned by Amazon, only to be reinstated days later. I’ve gotten to the point where I just roll my eyes and smile now – before I would get all emotionally distraught and…

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Going to bed early…

An exhausting day. Right after I finished writing I took Anne to the store and ran some other errands for her, so I had time for little else. And it is hot outside! Next time I’m walking around in a fucking bikini and flip flops! Anyway, tomorrow I’ll start on the Red Edit of Voyeur:…

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Voyeur Blast

Wow. Not only did I finish outlining season 1 episode 4 of Voyeur, but I also finished the rough draft! That means the story is finished, albeit in its rawest form. Tomorrow I’ll start editing, which means by the end of the week I should be finished with it entirely. I’m really excited! My next…

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Today has not been productive for me. Last night I forced myself into bed looking forward to waking up and attacking the day, but this morning I woke up feeling like I needed to sleep for two more hours. I wanted so badly to get a ton of writing done, but I didn’t feel the…

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Hard and fast!

This was such a hard day to stay away from writing because I was practically bursting with creativity. So to kind of whet my urges I took a slew of notes in my little notebook I carry around with me everywhere. I almost can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and start writing! I’m a nerd,…

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A day of writing…

If I were to distil the essence of this day down, it would be writing (Voyeur: Season 1, Episode 4) and reading manga (To Love-Ru Darkness). That’s it. I came up briefly to breathe/eat/spider monkey my big brother, but otherwise, that was my day in a nutshell. And I loved every minute of it. It’s…

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Beautiful, beautiful sleep…

I finally slept! And this wasn’t just your ordinary, run-of-the-mill type of sleep either – it was an epic, slept in like it was my job type of sleep! I felt like some kind of Disney princess when I woke up: animals singing outside, birds fluttering in through the windows to help me dress, etc.…

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Another night of insomnia…

I hate not being able to sleep. I really try, even sometimes blackmailing my big brother into giving me a backrub, but most of the time even that doesn’t work. It’s almost as if cosmic forces are at work just to keep me awake. Maybe it has a more mundane reason. I am having stomach…

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