Posts by Alexa Nichols
Why Anne did yesterday’s entry, The Champion’s Gift, and explicit sex questions – answered
Dear Diary, I asked Anne to do my entry yesterday because I was still working on first of the month author tasks, and by the time I finally finished my brain felt akin to pudding. Thank god for her, she is such a good friend! And she loves doing these entries and interacting with you…
Read MoreAbandoned, yet another audiobook, and writer’s block
Dear Diary, I don’t do well with being alone. My big brother is overseas, my bestie is hermiting, Anne is spending time with her family, Natalie is so distraught over Poundcake’s (her miniature schnauzer) passing that I gave her the rest of the week off, and Rebecca (my lick toy) is swamped with work. I…
Read MoreA dead Poundcake, my Patreon plans, and a dying werewolf
Dear Diary, So, I got a call from my assistant Natalie around six this morning (which is no big deal, because by that time I had been up for around three hours) and spent the next five minutes trying to calm her down enough so she could coherently tell me what was wrong. I figured…
Read MoreMaking holes, Blur Head, and being ridiculously horny
Dear Diary, Remember all those days last week (especially this weekend) that I spent slacking and general just being lazy as hell? Well, today was the complete opposite – I burned a hole through my keyboard typing so much/getting things done. 😀 To start with, I completely finished putting The Qedesha’s Handmaiden together, then went…
Read MoreUnsuccessful hermiting, drama in the Nichols household, and needing to vent
Dear Diary, So, I spent a good chunk of the day being irresponsible and hermiting myself from the world (even from Anne – you should have heard the Velcro-ripping sound when we unattached), and basically had the time of my life. I usually don’t like to be alone, but sometimes I just needs it. Besides,…
Read MoreYet another audiobook, breaking Skyrim, and making potatoes high
Dear Diary, I’m writing this with a pounding headache, which is also the reason I haven’t been on social media much today. I have no one to blame but myself. My sleeping schedule has been all over the place these past few days, mainly because I decided to take a vacation from writing and Anne…
Read MoreTaking a break, Tide Pods on food stamps, and my three favorite types of porn
Dear Diary, My day can be summed up in one word: Skyrim. Anne and I played this game nearly all day, and even as I write this entry, we’re talking about it. There’s something to be said about synergy, and how playing a game alongside someone can be much more invigorating and interesting than playing…
Read MoreDoing it 2,837 times, a confusing email from Audible, and accepting applications for a gay friend
Dear Diary, Well, my mystery girl hasn’t contacted me back yet, and I would know: I’ve refreshed my email about 2,837 times since I sent my reply to her. I’m really anxious to do this project with her, and I’m seriously considering donating 100% of the profits to RAINN. I don’t write for money, after…
Read MoreAn unexpected serious email, RAINN, and why I’m refreshing my inbox every five minutes
Dear Diary, I received an email today from a young woman, a stranger, that completely shook me to my core. To say it took me off guard is a gross understatement, but I’m not sure how else to adequately describe it. To put it succinctly, she told me that she wanted me to write a…
Read MoreBeing drugged by the bestie, begging for opinions, and bringing it
Dear Diary, Want to know just how manic I can be? My bestie decided it would be a smart idea to give me Benadryl for a headache I’ve had these past few days and not warn me how strong it was, or what kind of side-effects it might have on me. Mainly, putting my ass…
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