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This is Anne

Dear Diary, This is Anne. Alexa, best friend  I am getting help for Natalie to write the diary  Alexa is sick she been sleeping all day long. I am making feel better. I made her some chicken noodle soup to eat. And I been giving her l cold water bottle and medical to take. Thank…

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Dear Diary, Guess who’s sick? This wench. I’m just glad this happened after a long, productive week of writing. And during the weekend. Another side benefit? Rebecca and Anne are babying me while I lay in bed and play on my phone, mainly using it to take notes on The Qedesha’s Handmaiden and another book…

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A Motherfucking Princess

Dear Diary, My post on social media earlier pretty much sums up my day:   “This has been one of those surreal, warped days where nothing feels right and everything just seems out of place and weird. Not that it matters. That’s just seasoning for an extended #AmWriting and #AmEditing session! #WritingPimpstress”   In truth,…

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Hitting the ground running. And feels.

Dear Diary, I practically sprang out of bed bright and early this morning and jumped on my laptop, ready to churn out some serious author work. And churn I did. The Qedesha’s Handmaiden has now been completely outlined, and tomorrow I’m going to work on the rough draft. I’m so excited about this story it’s…

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Sleeping in until noon!

Dear Diary, So, I did something I haven’t done since I was a teenager: I slept in until noon! And then I got up and smacked Anne awake, and we played video games – she played Final Fantasy XV, and I played The Sims 4, Left 4 Dead, and World of Final Fantasy. It was…

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Glorious Saturday

Dear Diary, I didn’t do anything productive today. I laid in bed, read manga, and talked with Anne and Rebecca. That’s it. It was beautiful. And as soon as I finish this entry, we’re all going to finally watch the new IT and get white girl wasted afterward. Or maybe during. Dunno. I hope your…

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Of zombies and laundry

Dear Diary, I had the strangest dream last night. I was in the middle of an apocalyptic zombie infested anarchy type situation, and all I could think about was getting my laundry done! I mean, it was a strong compulsion – I absolutely had to get it done for some reason. Crazy. See, this is…

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