Editing, editing, and more editing!
So I’m finally down to my last 13 pages of editing my editor’s edits, and I have to be honest, I’m feeling a serious adrenaline rush over it. That means by Monday it will be available on Smashwords (for a brief time) and then on Amazon shortly after. And then into a paperback. And an…
Read MoreThe Weekend!
It is the motherfucking weekend! I am completely psyched, because not only do I get to house-sit and babysit my favorite dog in the world, but I also get to catch up on my writing – and then some! I even have a few surprises for the Nephilim universe – which is why I asked…
Read MoreNot a good day to be Alexa…
I have a pounding headache, my back is cramping, and my far back right tooth probably needs to be pulled because it hurts like all hell when I eat. I’m exhausted, got only an hour of writing done, and overall I’m just feeling hostile. 😣 In short: it’s not a good day to be Alexa.…
Read MoreEditors & Writers…
I’m really starting to think that I need an editor for my editor’s edits. I love the work she does, and she obviously spends a lot of time, energy, and thought into editing my works, but – and this is a very weak but – sometimes, I think the vision of the writer and the…
Read MoreDaughter of a slug and a sloth…
Have you ever had one of those days where you just did the stupidest shit imaginable at every possible turn? Like, you thought you were all focused and on your game, but everything you did just turned out wrong? Yeah, that was my day today. Days like this rarely happen to me, because usually I’m…
Read MoreMonday
#AmEditing #AmWriting #AmTired #Love
Read MoreTalked to the girlfriend…
Editing the hell out of my editors edits For “Nephilim: Daybreak”. And managed to spend some time with the girlfriend. Who I (as promised) talked to about being an erotica author. Her response: “Yeah, I know. I’m cool with it. Do you think I’d be with you if I wasn’t?” Which floored me. She apparently…
Read MorePeriods suck!
The worst thing about being on your period isn’t really the bleeding – although that is annoying as all fuck – but that you can’t have sex! Especially when you’re VERY attracted to the person your with, and the relationship is still in it’s infancy. So the lust factor is all high and you can’t…
Read MoreRebecca…
So I met this girl. I’ve known of her for a while, actually, but I didn’t actually get to meet her until a few weeks ago. She’s a friend of several of my friends, and somehow we just never managed to meet. She’s – well – to be frank, she’s really amazing. And hot as…
Read MoreMuch better
This was an illuminating day. For starters, I researched how to better manage time when you have a full time job / any semblance to a life, and developed a workable (and enjoyable) schedule. I tried it out today, and so far, so good. I attacked “Nephilim: Prisoner” like a beast, slamming out another few…
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