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Things that make you go hmm…

Today started out a bit rocky, but as the day progressed, it became increasingly better. So many things… And tomorrow is finally moving day! Hopefully for real this time! We have everything packed and ready to go, and first thing in the morning we are out of here. And then I can get to writing…

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Lazily productive…

So I’m over here screaming like a banshee over this damn Cowboys game and my brother comes over and sits calmly down next to me and pulls me to him, giving me a long, close hug. And then he tells me he loves me, and that no matter what, he always will. After I got…

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It’s amazing how much you can get done when you have nothing else to do all day long! I’ve been slamming through my task list since I woke up this morning, and am still hacking away at it – by the time I go to bed in a few hours, it should be empty.  …

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Nothing to see here…

“I love the read, but I want her step dad to know what happened, I hope he was fake sleeping while Amber was riding him ? . An I want her mom to be OK with it or even joining in the sex….. Please make more series on this I want to know what happened……”…

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It always bothers me when I see beggars. And not for the usual reasons: pity, anger at being approached, elitism… No, it bothers me because they could be using that energy and time so much better, to achieve much greater and more profitable things. So why don’t they want to? Why don’t they want the…

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Weird. And crazy weird.

So I was on the bus earlier and this chick was sitting next to me talking very animatedly (and LOUD) through her .99 earpiece she was holding right next to her mouth, swinging her head back and forth and making various silly motions with her neck. She even hit me with some of her hair…

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Why so tired?

As I was going along my commute today, it seemed like everyone I ran into was overly tired. And I’m not being dramatic: literally everyone. It’s like people don’t know how to go to bed and sleep anymore. Maybe it’s just because it’s Monday, and no one is overly enthused about starting out their work…

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Reading, manga, reading, manga…

And that has pretty much been my day: reading (the Beautiful Creatures series) and Manga (Mayoi Neko Overrun). And that’s it. I swear the couch has a permanent imprint of my ass now. And I’m not sorry. X-D Tomorrow is going to be a much different day, however: aside from work, I am going to…

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All over the place…

I’ve spent all day doing so many different things it’s insane: watching Dr. Who (ROSE IS GONE! THAT IS SO FUCKED UP!), watching Veronica Mars with the bestie, rough-housing around with Anne and hurting my hand in the process, and playing games like Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Lord of Arcana, and Final Fantasy: Dissidia.…

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