Erotic Urban Legends
OK, so maybe the writing bug got the better of me today. I didn’t work on the Nephilim series, though (even though it was very, very tempting); instead I worked on an anthology I’ve been secretly compiling for the past few months now called Erotic Urban Legends. I’m going through and final editing it, really reading some of the stories I thought would make it well-rounded, wondering if a few of them are a bit too much even for erotica. Some of them are extreme. Way more extreme than anything I would write. But still. I’m willing to bet some of you will really, really like them.
So far the book is sitting at almost 80,000 words and contains 10 lengthy stories. My goal is to have this puppy out by the end of the month. (Hear that Richie?! :-D)
Rebecca’s keeping me unintentionally entertained during the editing process, starting out by peering over my shoulder and ending up sitting flush next to me while I work. Every once in a while, I’ll hear an eww or that’s disgusting coming from her, or, sometimes, things like damn… and that’s hot.
I’ll turn her into a full-fledged freak yet!
Aside from editing and watching the Cowboys game (and putting my big brother JC in a flying headlock for no real reason) I’ve been pretty chill. After this entry I plan on climbing in bed and watching Veronica Mars for a while with Rebecca, just enjoying the rest of my Sunday.
Hopefully, all of you will do the same.
Hi Alexa, I’m so awaiting this new book to put on Kinky Literature. 😉
And tell Rebecca that in our kinky world there is no such thing as “ewww” or ‘that’s disgusting!”. Yeah, c’mon, Alexa, make her a full-fledged freak already!
Working on it! 😆❤