It’s interesting how many different points of views I get on my stories: some say they’re too soft, others say too hard, and still others say they’re not even truly erotica. 😄
I love it.
I have my brother to thank for that. He said something interesting to me a while back when I was all in my feelings over some reviews – he said (and I’m paraphrasing here) that the interpretations of the reader are a window into their mind, their soul, with the story serving as a kind of magnifying glass revealing their inner selves to the world. Or something like that. It was some pretty deep shit.
Ever since he told me that, feedback on my writings (both good and bad) have only made me smile.
It’s little gems like that that make me love my big brother – he’s like a big bald muscular Yoda. Just when you think you have him figured out, he comes off with some eye-opening shit like that.
I loves me some J.C. ❤
Anyway, I have a lot of price cut promotions (and even a few free book giveaways) scheduled throughout the month of December on Amazon, so be on the lookout for them. If you know me, you know I almost never do price cut promotions – I certainly don’t do free book giveaways. But, honestly, I’ve been making a lot of money doing this whole writing thing, and this is kind of my way of saying Merry Christmas and thank you to my readers.
You guys truly rock. Without you, there would be no me.
🤘 Alexa