Posts by Alexa Nichols
Laying around, what I really do for a living, and peanut butter pancakes
Dear Diary, I didn’t do a damn thing today. I kicked back and read, played a little Skyrim, watched Pitch Perfect 3 with Anne, and napped like a boss. All while Anne was buzzing around me trying to get me out of bed and doing something. She had way too much energy for a Sunday.…
Read MoreCrying, being manic, and needing a translator
Dear Diary, Sometimes you have to have a knockdown, drag-out fight with someone to realize just how much they mean to you. Which is what happened to Anne and me today. I’m not going to get into what the fight was about because in retrospect it was stupid as hell, but it was terrible. We…
Read MorePreemptive strikes, the bestie, and alcohol sirens
Dear Diary, Today has been all about writing. As a matter of fact, yesterday when I had some free time I did tasks that were due today just so I could have more writing time. And I’m glad I did: I’m finally finished with the Yellow Revision of The Qedesha’s Handmaiden! This means Monday I’ll…
Read MoreBeing productive, naughty Valentines, and Skyrim!
Dear Diary, It’s been a typical Alexa day today: busy, productive, and quirky as fuck. It’s almost like everything was building up during these past few days and hit me all at once this morning. But that’s OK: bring it. 😉 I started out jumping out of bed and getting to work on The Qedesha’s…
Read MoreUp all night, the flu, and the most atypical Valentine’s Day ever
Dear Diary, As far as Valentine’s Days go, this was probably one of my most interesting. It went nothing like I intended it to, and for that I’m glad: it turned out way better. It started out innocently enough: Anne and I didn’t go to sleep last night, opting to play Skyrim instead. I ended…
Read MoreSkyrim, Super Mario Odyssey, and being a lousy author
Dear Diary, I’ve been a lousy author today. I spent the entire day with Anne (lately we’ve been kind of attached at the hip) and watched the movie A Girl Like Grace, which I became entirely drawn into even though I had some serious misgivings about it at first. See, I’m not a big Raven…
Read MoreWhy I hate passive-aggressive people, The Qedesha’s Handmaiden, and barking like a chicken
Dear Diary, I hate passive-aggressive people. With a passion. And I don’t mean hate like most people say hate – a slight dislike overdramatized for effect – I mean literally hate. I just do not understand the point, but then, I’ve always been the type of person to try and confront my problems and fix…
Read MoreZero hangover, 10-hour marathons, and breaking the bath… 😉
Dear Diary, So, I got stupid-drunk last night and posted a short as fuck entry. I blame Anne. And I’m not even joking. See, since she spent the night, we decided to do an alcohol run. We picked up enough alcohol for the both of us and then promptly started drinking when we got back.…
Read MoreDrunk
Drunk. Longer Diary entry tomorrow. Love you all.
Read MoreSome stories are not mine to tell
Dear Diary, I am a story weaver. A wordsmith. I write erotica, horror, supernatural, historical fiction, science fiction (occasionally), fantasy, and romance. Mostly under pen names, of course, but I do so because I have a genuine and passionate love for writing. Sometimes I even blend two or more of these genres just for fun,…
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