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Dear Diary, I really needed today. The only work-related things I did was make and submit the paperback version of Girl Fight (they already accepted and published it!) and fill out the X-Ray data for its eBook version. I also played around with another story that I plan on releasing very soon. It’s a bit of…

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I was framed

Dear Diary… So, my big brother grounded me from my drone, and for entirely unfair reasons. I mean, yeah, I may have been innocently terrorizing him with it these past few days, but that was all good clean fun. I mean, no one got hurt. Or maimed. And I was getting really good at piloting…

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The unholy trinity

Dear Diary… It’s been quite a productive day if I do say so myself. Aside from the many mundane things I accomplished, I also managed to complete Girl Fight and send it to Amazon for review, which means by the end of tomorrow I should get word one way or another. I may even get…

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Girl Fight: coming soon…very soon…

Dear Diary… This is going to be a super short entry as I’m dead tired. As soon as I finish, I’m jumping in the shower and then floating to bed. I woke up super-early and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I’ve been writing and yawning all day practically. The good side of that is…

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Happy Holidays

Dear Diary… This wasn’t supposed to be a long entry, but you know how I am. I love to write. Especially after I ban myself from all author-related tasks and projects for an entire day… So, the Nichols do not celebrate Christmas (or any holiday other than birthdays, really) but we know so many people…

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Of writing bugs and audiobook codes…

Dear Diary… For some reason, the writing bug hit me hard today. I wrote the hell out of Girl Fight, removed the offending information from Phi Beta Pie’s eBook and paperback versions so Amazon would republish them, and rewarded my beta readers and newsletter signups with free audiobook codes that get them a free audiobook…

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Writing, reading, playing…

Dear Diary, As the official erotica sponsor of the Dallas Cowboys (come at me, lawyers!), I just wanted to say how excited I am about tomorrow’s game against the Seattle Seahawks. After hours of badgering, one thirty-minute-long spider monkey, and two won games of rock, paper, scissors, my big brother finally agreed to go with…

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Making quasi-demonic/bestial sounds

Dear Diary… So, I went to bed last night dead tired and was asleep almost before my head hit the pillow. I was out cold. My big brother said he checked in on me because he was hearing strange quasi-demonic/bestial sounds emanating from my room, only to find me loudly snoring and wrapped up in…

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Dear Diary… Tired. Haven’t been to sleep yet. New headphones are finally here. Came in about two hours ago. Still charging. Read the booklets that came with. Learned absolutely nothing. Beer, donuts, and cookies in the fridge for tomorrow. Wrote a little over 10 hours on Girl Fight. Story is coming along beautifully. Longer Diary…

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Start. Stop. Repeat.

Dear Diary… I don’t do drugs. Well, I drink on the weekends, but I don’t really consider alcohol a drug – it’s more of a health drink. Like V8 or Gatorade. Anyway. Because I don’t do drugs, when I take (am force fed) something like Nyquil, it hits me hard. Not only did I go…

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