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Not one spider monkey was given!

Today was a beast of a day. It’s like the past few days of unproductiveness were made up for, in an impressively spectacular fashion. I finished the paperback and X-Ray information for Killer Lolis, and both were accepted by Amazon! Then I moved on to my other writing project under a pen name (a sort…

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Want to own a loli? Now’s your chance!

I took Anne to the hospital early as hell this morning because she burnt her hand trying to get a cup of noodles from the microwave. Turns out it was second-degree burns, and they gave her some really lovely drugs. We were there pretty much all day, but luckily, I thought to snatch my tablet…

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Waking up wet…

My first day of my week off work is not what I expected it to be. I didn’t write because I’m waiting for the Beta Reader Hit Squad to finish Amore so I can finalize it for the upcoming anthology. I learned from past experiences that I’m not one of those authors that can work…

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I got the cover back!

I have been busy all fricking day! And what a long, draining day it’s been… However, it’s also been filled with fantastic news, the biggest of which is that my graphics team came back with concept cover for the upcoming Bad Girls of Erotica anthology, “No Boys Allowed!” It’s not technically the official cover though.…

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An unexpected threesome…

I was hit with a triple whammy of news today that, while not particularly bad, was a bit jostling because of its unexpectedness. The first of which is getting this upcoming week off work. It came from nowhere, and the news gave me mixed reactions. My first reaction was jubilation because I immediately started thinking…

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Pools of blood around my feet…

I have no idea how to start this diary entry. I mean, my day was pretty basic: I slept in, finished the red revision of “Amore,” and cried tears of pain and anguish as I trimmed it down to try and make the 10,000-word limit for the anthology. There were pools of blood around my…

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I’m being kidnapped!

I was literally being pulled away from my computer a few minutes ago, but I plea-bargained using my Diary as an excuse to get back on. I’ve been editing Amore for about five hours now, which she thinks is completely unreasonable. What she doesn’t understand is that this is my red revision, which means its…

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Return of the Pop Tart!

This time it was self-inflicted though. I was in such a hurry this morning that I downed a glass of milk and snagged a pop tart on my way out the door, leaving Rebecca laying in bed bewildered and half-asleep. Which is what I was only minutes before. It’s amazing how fast you can get…

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Amore (A Lesbian Love Story) Rough Draft Finished!

Since I had the day off work today, I intended to spend it lazing around the house and just goofing off. I figured I’d maybe get a little bit of writing in, but otherwise, I just planned on reading and randomly spider monkeying the brother unit just to keep him on his toes. (You guys…

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I love you all, but my mind is pudding right now. Work, writing, and about two dozen micro tasks and other things have plum worn me out. So, this is going to be an extra short entry. The highlight of my day: Anne (on my account) accidentally ordered a PS4 Slim 1TB / Final Fantasy…

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