Posts by Alexa Nichols
Don’t feel like writing
Sorry guys, I don’t really feel like opening up/sharing/writing – not even creatively. I had a lot of things happen today, and I kind of need to digest them. I’ll divulge everything tomorrow, promise. Right now, I’m just going to go to bed so I can read and think. Goodnight.
Read MoreAmore: A Love Story
Well. This is my second attempt at writing this damn entry, as the first I somehow managed to corrupt so thoroughly that even Words built-in repair tool refuses to look at it. Which pretty much sums up me and technology in general. Which is funny, because I have so many gadgets… If this entry is…
Read MoreFace Seat!
As many of you know, I ride public transit to work. The reasons for this are myriad, and not something I have the time or inclination to get into at this moment; in a future entry, I will. Anyway, the reason I started this entry with that line is because of the early morning bus…
Read MoreApology tacos
God this day has just been one thing after another! 😀 It started out when I woke up and started making my breakfast sammich – something I do every work morning – but when I lifted it up to the microwave for some reason I slammed the plate into the cooling vent above the stove,…
Read MoreAnti-social Sunday
Many of you don’t know this (unless you’ve read my past entries or know me personally), but on Sundays I kind of hermit myself in my room and vegetate. I don’t (usually) go on social media or respond to any emails or messages, and the only person I acknowledge the existence of is my brother.…
Read MoreI hate naps
If you really know me, you know I don’t take naps. The reasons for this are twofold: I’m too busy. I find naps to be lazy, uneventful, and extremely impactful on my creativity and the precious little spare time I have. I get more than enough sleep at night. My problem isn’t that I need…
Read MoreA dead squirrel
I had a fantastic, uneventful day, full of laughter and good vibes. Seriously. It was the exact opposite of yesterday. I loved it. Until the squirrel. Here’s how it went down. I was on the way home from work and walked by a dead squirrel on my way to the bus. I almost got clipped…
Read MoreA bummer of a day
This has been such an exhausting, soul-draining day. It started out great, but as it drug on (read: as I wasted precious writing time at work adulting) it progressively became worse. I didn’t even get to write my usual hour today! I spent that time instead doing behind-the-scenes author crap, stuff I usually do on…
Read MoreDid you miss me?
My first Diary entry after my hiatus motherfuckers! It feels so good to be back! Anyway. I’ll get to the good part first. Yes, I went out to the club last night for Halloween, something I rarely do. And yes, I got drunk off my ass, also something I rarel…who the fuck am I kidding?…
Read MoreGoodbye. In a sense.
When I first started writing this Diary, I envisioned it as a way to release my leftover creative energies and to let you guys know what was going on in my life on a day to day basis. It was a lot of fun, though at times my entries were comprised of little more than…
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