Posts by Alexa Nichols
I almost killed my assistant today
So I almost killed Natalie today. See, I was completely in the mood to write, so I hunkered down and set everything up, shot her a list of things to do via Google Keep and slipped the headphones on and went to work editing No Daddy! I’m (STILL) Not Mommy!. Only to be interrupted about…
Read MoreThe calm before the storm
I’m not a pessimistic person. If anything, I’m overly optimistic. I like to look at the brighter side of things and usually try to make the most out of any bad situations that come my way. But when things go smooth for too long, I start to get nervous. Ever since Rebecca and I worked…
Read MoreAnother audiobook down!
So I finally finished the rough draft of No Daddy! I’m (STILL) Not Mommy!. Boy, if the first story pissed people off, this one will really get them going! Tomorrow I’ll start cutting through the Red Edit, so hopefully, by the end of next week, it will be completely finished. Maybe sooner if I can…
Read MoreNot much to report…
It was a relaxing Sunday. Rebecca came over, as did Natalie and the bestie. I even kidnapped Anne and brought her over too, just because I knew she wasn’t doing anything. We put up the cell phones, turned off the computers (for the most part – I did do some social media related things) and…
Read MoreI’m pregnant…
…with possibilities for this new book I’m writing now that I’ve finished Season 1, Episode 3 of Voyeur. 😆 The book is titled No Daddy! I’m (STILL) Not Mommy!, and it takes place a month after one of my most popular books, No Daddy! I’m Not Mommy! So far I’ve blazed through all the editing…
Read MoreBlackmailed
I woke up with my face planted in my keyboard. Apparently sometime during the night I got up and went to my laptop, where I opened up the latest story I’m working on (No, Daddy! I’m (STILL) Not Mommy!) and started fine-tuning the Rough Draft. I say apparently because I don’t remember doing this. At…
Read More#MayTheFourthBeWithYou
Damn near forgot to do an entry today! 😃 My day has been awesome, and can even be neatly summed up in bullet points: Completely finished Season 1, Episode 3 of Voyeur Started writing No Daddy! I’m (STILL) Not Mommy! Went grocery shopping Ate fried chicken Hung out with the bestie Was introduced to –…
Read MoreI don’t “cuddle”…
I’m not a cuddler. Especially after sex. Most girls I know are to one degree or another, and at one point in my life I was kind of a cuddler, but now – no. I kind of like to just have my own side of the bed and just slip into a coma, which is something…
Read MoreDogs impregnating women, fathers raping daughters, and hardcore interracial gangbangs
(Tell me I don’t know how to title a Diary post! 😀 )So I was going through my morning ritual checking and responding to email when I opened up an erotica newsletter I recently subscribed to. The titles alone made my mouth drop open: stories about dogs impregnating women, fathers raping daughters, and hardcore interracial…
Read MoreBeautifully Chaotic
So much has happened today, it would look insane if I tried to record it all! Of course, the first day of the month is generally always like that (at least in regards to author stuff) and no matter how many times I wade through my monthly tasks, it always surprises me how much there…
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