I’m going to warn you guys ahead of time: my temperature is 101.1, down from 103.9, so if this entry is a bit weird it’s because of that. Yes, I most likely have the flu, and no, I did not get my flu shot this year, and yes, I learned my lesson in a very…
Read MoreLoves me some brother…
I was so looking forward to waking up and writing this morning that I had a hard time falling asleep. My mind just refused to shut off, and I ended up filling an entire page with story notes and scribbles. When I finally did conk out, I kept waking up to use the restroom, and…
Read MoreWriting Vacation Day 2 of 7 (Final)
So this taking a weeks away from writing vacation experiment of mine is not going so well. For starters, I decide to play The Sims 4, one of my all-time favorite games, and created a new character – an author, who is well on her way to becoming a bestselling novelist even though she is…
Read MoreWriting Vacation Day 1 of 7
So, this is the first day of my weeklong writing vacation. I’m not going to write anything (except for my daily Diary entries) until next Monday. I’m already starting to feel a withdrawal twitch; this morning, for example, I woke up, turned my laptop on, and started opening documents as normal – and then had…
Read MoreWriting. Watching. Drinking.
Most of my day has been spent working on Qedesha, and it seems like the story doesn’t want to end. No matter how close I get to finalizing it, I keep wanting to add more detail, more scenarios, and more twists. I know most erotica authors simply crank out basic fuck-books, but I’m not most…
Read MoreWriting day…
I spent the entire day writing and watching my older brother J.C. write the next chapter in his Change series. It’s kind of frustrating, actually, because he won’t tell me jack about it except for the title. I did hear him slam something down out of frustration in the other room while I was writing,…
Read MoreIt went so fast!
My Friday went by in what seems like a blink. I mean, I didn’t sleep in or anything, and I actually managed to get a ton of things done…it just seems like the time was going by way too fast. Now it’s the end of the day, and I feel cheated somehow! 😀 Tomorrow I’m…
Read MoreHomeless Mannequin Challenge
So I was running around downtown and saw the strangest thing: a homeless person giving out one of those homeless newspapers “mannequin challenge” style. I almost tripped over myself looking at this dude. If I would have had any cash on me (I only use plastic) I would have so bought all the papers he…
Read MoreUnder the weather. And Grammarly.
I took the day off of work today because I was feeling completely out of it. I should have known better than to ignore the warning signs my body was giving me yesterday; every time I do it always comes back and bites me hard. There is a silver lining to the dark cloud of…
Read MoreDay, interrupted
So, I wake up feeling a little under the weather. I get up, do the whole hygiene thing, then get back in bed and prepare to write for a few hours while my big brother is making me peanut butter pancakes. (Yes, I am definitely loved) And then I get called in to work last…
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