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A much-needed day off

Dear Diary, So, I’m writing this entry on my phone in bed. Rebecca’s bed. While she makes me a sammich. We just finished watching the J.K Rowling story on Lifetime, and, I’m not gonna lie, it gave me all kinds of feels. That she started out as a single mother on welfare and kept at…

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A Busy Little Demoness

Dear Diary, I’ve been a busy little demoness today. No lie. I spent a considerable chunk of time working on my upcoming Patreon (so many awesome rewards for being a supporter, just wait and see), reclassifying a slew of my eBooks and paperbacks to Romance/Romance Erotica (instead of strictly erotica), and learning a ton about…

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Today Was a Good Day

Dear Diary, Just waking up in the morning gotta thank god. I don’t know but today seems kinda odd. No barking from the dogs, no smog. And momma cooked a breakfast with no hog. 😀 Just playing. If you got the above reference (today’s entry title should have made it click), then we can definitely…

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Oozing Creativity

Dear Diary, Most of my day was spent writing and researching. The book I’m currently writing under a pen name (the last one before I can get back to my erotica!) is an old one that I dusted off and decided to bring to life. I have to write a story with a soft deadline…

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The Perfect Storm

Dear Diary, So, I woke up today to a cluster fuck of situations: the power, house phone, internet and hot water was off, and my big brother couldn’t get through to the power company to get them turned back on. He left messages, but for some reason couldn’t get through to a live person. It…

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Read Me ;-)

Dear Diary, First of all, thank god the holidays are over. When you’re an author, sales usually swan dive during the last few months of the year, and even though November was reasonably typical, December was absolutely brutal. I thought Amazon’s reporting tool was broken at first until I researched the matter a bit and…

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Da Writing Funk

Dear Diary, Usually, writing comes as naturally as breathing. But not today. Today my mind seemed to go everywhere but on my current writing project. I was all over social media, picking on my brother with weird text messages while he was at work, and playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf on my 2DS XL. I…

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Sammichus Interruptus

Dear Diary, You ever have one of those days where everything just makes you stop and reflect? Where even the simplest, most mundane things seem to give you pause and almost force you to ponder them? Everything just seems to have more significance, deeper meaning, and life in general just seems to have a surreal…

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Multiple personalities…

Dear Diary, When I started writing erotica a little over a year ago, it was as a side-project to my regular writing. I’ve always had a bit of a freaky side, but I could never let that loose in my normal writing. See, I never saw erotica as a real genre. I basically only wrote…

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