Posts by Alexa Nichols
All kinds of productive…
Dear Diary, I was all kinds of productive today, even though my day started out a bit on the lethargic side. For some reason I’ve just had a hard time getting out of bed lately; it all started when the time changed. I mean, I get up moments before my alarm is scheduled to go…
Read MoreProductive Insomnia
Dear Diary, I’ve been up all day, thanks to my mind refusing to calm down last night, but this is not necessarily a terrible thing: I managed to get a lot of author-related things done. Of course, the price of this is my brain feeling akin to Jell-O right now, but I’m not complaining. Because…
Read MoreBreaking my fingers…
Dear Diary, My entire day has been about two things: continually messaging lovey-dovey crap back and forth with the girlfriend unit (Rebecca) and the writing of Interview With A Werewolf. Anne was a tremendous help in this (the writing, not the messaging 😀 ), as she helped me brainstorm some weak plot points that were…
Read MoreGetting thrown out of bed
Dear Diary, This time change thing is completely fucking with my internal clock, more so than I ever remember it doing in past years. I woke up this morning and turned off my alarm, then proceeded to stare at the ceiling forlornly until my brother came in and practically threw me out of bed. And…
Read MoreA touching review of Girl Fight and a carbon copy of yesterday
Dear Diary, With the exception of somehow managing to bite the hell out of my cheek, I could have copied and pasted yesterday’s entry and it would have been true for today as well. Well, almost. There was one big difference: a review left on Amazon for Girl Fight by one of my most avid…
Read MoreWhy the words on my screen are blurry…
Dear Diary, Full disclosure: as I write this, my screen is… well… moving, and I’m kind of having to squint a bit because the words on my screen are a bit blurry. My only saving grace is Word’s / Grammarly’s spelling and grammar check. 😀 Obviously, I’m unashamedly drunk as hell. Most of my day…
Read MoreFlying spider monkeys, my plans for the Nephilim series, and keeping Patreon’s happy
Dear Diary, My big brother unit finally came back from Rome early this morning, and the flying spider monkeying he received damn near put him in traction. I missed that man so much (especially when I had my migraine attacks) that it took me a long time before I was able to let him go.…
Read MoreI’m back, Interview With A Werewolf cover reveal, and the final book in the Qedesha trilogy… 😊
Dear Diary, Have you ever showered in absolute Darkness? No candles… no trickle of light leaking in from another room underneath the bathroom’s door… nothing. The Darkness I am speaking of is complete. Total. Absolute. Well, have you? I have. Often. And I have to admit, there is something about showering in the Darkness…
Read MoreNothing to see here…
Dear Diary, My day consisted of roughly three things: playfully smack-talking with Anne, Skyrim, and eating food I know I shouldn’t be eating (party mix, Ramen, etc.). Oh, and naps. Beautiful, sensual naps. That’s it. I kind of removed myself from the online world, not because of anyone in particular but because every once in…
Read MoreBreaking Skyrim, slacking, and interviewing werewolves!
Dear Diary, So, I killed Skyrim. Apparently, 300+ mods without any care or knowledge of mod order or anything else is just too much for the poor game to take. I tried everything I could to get it to work again, but it kept crashing to desktop immediately after I loaded my saved game. After…
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