Posts by Alexa Nichols
Snitches get stitches…
Dear Diary… I was the victim of a snitching incident today. Well, last night really. Apparently, my assistant Natalie decided to let my big brother know that I’ve been feeling under the weather, and even sent him a link to last nights Diary entry to prove it. So, guess who’s been stapled in bed all…
Read MoreHeadphones and porn videos…
Dear Diary… I think I’m coming down with something. My energy level (which is ordinarily limitless) has been extraordinarily low these past few days, and even more alarming, my urge to write has been next to nothing. I can hear – and feel – a slight rasping in my chest when I breathe, and I…
Read MoreLazy Sunday (Finally!)
About 90% of my day was spent in bed doing little more than reading Nisekoi or laying down on the couch using my big brother’s leg as a pillow. While I read Nisekoi 😄. It was so relaxing. I really needed this creative break, and even though I’m so far ahead of my scheduled releases…
Read MoreSluggish, disoriented, and unfocused…
I’ve been lazy, lost, and unfocused all day today, and I don’t have a clue as to why. I haven’t been drinking, I’m not sick, and everything’s going relatively well in my life. Hell, I just approved the Killer Lolis audiobook for a final quality assurance check by ACX and Audible, so in no time…
Read MoreSleep is for the weak…
So I was drinking last night, and for some reason, the alcohol acted like a super-coffee and kept me awake and strangely productive. I legit felt like a vampire. I mean, I barely blinked, much less rested, and I knocked everything off my task list and then some (like creating – but not quite finishing…
Read MoreReflections…
It’s been quite a day today, dear Diary. There are so many interesting and strange things I could write about, but to do so would take far more time than I have – and would also cause me to have to articulate things that I really don’t want to think about. Now, don’t get me…
Read MoreGirl Fight cover reveal!
To be honest, I was a bit unfocused today. The nightmare from yesterday kept popping in my mind, and it took me a long time to completely get it out of my head. The first hour of writing was spent struggling, tapping away at the keyboard like some sort of hunt-and-peck typist. My mind was…
Read MoreInsomnia
It has been a long time since I couldn’t go to sleep at night. By the end of the day, I’m usually so spent that I’m asleep almost before my head hits the bed. But not last night. Last night I tossed and turned, restless and agitated, unable to simply turn my mind off and…
Read MoreWet anus…
So, I have this oil diffuser I use when I write, and I bought a ton of oils to go with it. Not the cheap oils, mind you, but the $20+ per tiny little bottle oils. The first one I decided to use is Rose Water Bulgarian. The instructions said to put in two small…
Read MoreReading, writing, etc.!
You did not want to be in the Nichols house today, especially if you aren’t a Dallas Cowboys fan, because I was going absolutely ballistic the entire game. I have no idea how J.C. (my big brother unit) doesn’t slaughter me, especially since I was yelling and screaming only a few feet away from him.…
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