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My writer’s soul and erotic sisters…

Dear Diary, There comes a time in every serious story I write (which excludes most of my Quickies series 😄 #notsorry) where a scene that I’m writing hits a little too close to home. It challenges me as a writer because my natural instinct is to avoid these complicated, revealing glimpses into my psyche, but…

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Going to a dark place…

Dear Diary, I never intended to write about this in my Diary, but… a diary is all about expelling emotion and processing as you write/type, right? So I’m going to. This will be a bit of a deep post, so if you’re expecting this to be one of my usual goofy entries, you’re going to…

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Being passionate and how I just keep getting weirder…

Dear Diary, Let me tell you about the struggles of my life, yo. Let’s start with the largest, most grandiose of my struggles: passion. I am a passionate person in almost everything, including writing, friends, lovers, and even addictions. Unfortunately, I can easily become consumed by any of them, so more often than not, I…

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Being salty with my baby squirrel

Dear Diary, So I developed this habit recently that apparently unhinged my baby squirrel. It started by accident, and because around the people I hold dear, I’m goofy as all hell. I have this thing when it comes to her, see: my goal is to make her laugh at least once a day. Dead serious.…

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Little Dead Girls and hood rats in Elder Scrolls Online…

Dear Diary, It’s frustrating when you really, really want to write, when your fingers are just aching to bleed out your creativity into your craft, your passion, and… Life decides to hit you with back-to-back time mongers that not only prevent it but only seem to relent when your energy and mental lucidity are completely…

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Flash fiction, creative diarrhea, and getting hard

Dear Diary, I’ve been asked several times why the frequency of my entries has decreased over the past year, and (somehow) I always tend to come up with different answers. I was thinking about this the other day for some reason, contemplating ramping up the frequency, but I eventually came to this conclusion: I don’t…

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I have a secret to tell

Dear Diary, So here’s something I’ve only shared with a handful of people in my life: I have dyslexia. You can sometimes see this in my social media posts, especially those I craft using my phone, because all my glorified grammar checkers aren’t active. When I was younger, I used to hand copy a page…

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Real Life, am I right?

Dear Diary, If you really know me, you know I have a barely existent immune system. I mean, it’s there, but sometimes it decides to go MIA for days on end. Probably out running the streets getting in trouble like I used to do when I was younger (i.e., pre-COVID). Anyway, yeah, I get sick…

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