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Love and types…

Real Life can really suck sometimes. Because of a myriad of non-writing related things I’ve had to take care of these past few days (week, really), I’m so far behind on my author projects that I’m breaking the glass on my emergency Crackuccino and staying up all night to catch up on them. My computer…

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A Mundane Day…

So I’m sitting here watching America’s Got Talent, harassing the shit out of my brother to look at some of the acts. Which he hates, because he despises TV, but still! Some of these people are absolutely amazing! They need to make something like this for authors! 😀 Anyway, as far as days go, this…

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Cannot wind down!

Man, I had a great day today! It started with my complete lack of sleep. And I’m not complaining. The reason I couldn’t sleep was because my creative juices wouldn’t quit flowing, so I developed pages upon pages of notes for not only the Nephilim series but a few other stories I have on the…

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A beautiful Alexaday…

I had a glorious Alexaday (Sunday, for you mere mortals) and spent most of it just laying around the house being absolutely lazy. I ended up watching half of “The Martian” with my brother (I took a break to knock this diary entry out, we’re going to watch the other half when I finish) and…

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A full day!

I’m just now getting home! 😀 My brother looked at me crazy as I Tasmanian deviled through the door, gave him a quick kiss on his shiny bald head (he was sitting at his computer), and flew into my room plopping myself down in front of my laptop to create this entry. I do not…

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My first bad review…

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying my day, but very little of it had anything to do with actual writing. I mean, I did do some writing related things here and there, but for the most part, I’ve just been goofing off and enjoying myself – every time I try to get down to writing my mind…

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Tired. But Happy!

I think sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of reality. As a writer, I bank on it (both figuratively and literally), but as a person – as a normal flesh and blood “real life” person – it’s a concept that’s easy to forget. Especially when you’re living said reality, and you’re already an emotionally volatile…

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I haven’t really been very social today, and I apologize to everyone that has been messaging me, but I haven’t really had a good day. At all. You would think my first day being 30 would be a bit more forgiving. The reason for this is nightmares. I had them all night last night, one…

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My Birthday!

I should have known something was up when my brother asked for a huge container of my Crackuccino… It all started late last night when I decided it would be a good idea to stay up and work on Nephilim, armed with a 32 oz. container of my patented Crackuccino. I got a lot of…

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Crackuccino Oatmeal…

So I started my day out with an experiment. I wanted to drink some of my patented Crackuccino, but I was also hungry, and I was so amped up to write that I didn’t have the patience to make everything I wanted, so… I made some oatmeal, threw a few tablespoons of peanut butter in…

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