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Impatiently awaiting the weekend

Dear Diary, I cannot wait until the motherfucking weekend gets here. When it does, I am not doing a single writing-related thing – my heathen ass is going to drink, play The Sims 4, kill zombies in Left 4 Dead’s third mission, and marathon read the rest of My Balls (the manga I’m currently reading).…

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Nintendo did it again!

Dear Diary, See, I had all sorts of author accomplishments and updates to post about today, but then Nintendo went and announced Labo. And my mind was blown. If this had been released on April 1st it would have made complete sense – I would have just written it off as an April Fools Day…

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Dear Diary, I have been one seriously busy bitch today. I started my day out by spending hours converting Amore into a paperback and then submitting it for approval. Speaking of the paperback: if you’re going to buy just one version of Amore, I highly suggest getting the paperback one. It’s formatted the way I…

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Plot revisions galore

Dear Diary, I spent most of the day retooling the plot of my current “labor of love” because it was getting too far off course. OK, that is putting it mildly. My characters decided to make me their bitch and completely train-wrecked my fucking story. Yeah, that sounds more like what happened. So, I stopped…

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A typical Sunday. Whether I wanted it or not.

Dear Diary, I had every intention of writing today. I went to bed brewing with ideas and genuinely excited about the direction my current story was going. I had to pull off some serious Jedi mind tricks to keep from repeatedly thinking of things I wanted to add, which frequently happens when I go a…

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Relaxing and shallow

Dear Diary, I was a horrendous author-unit today. Not only did I not write at all, but I’m also drunk as fuck. Most of my day was spent playing World of Final Fantasy, Left 4 Dead, and The Sims 4. Repeatedly. In fact, as soon as I’m done with this entry, I’m going back to…

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Paying to play

Dear Diary, Boy did I pay for taking the day off yesterday. I didn’t sleep too well last night (I never really do in other people’s beds), and when I finally came home and hunkered down to write, I found myself instantly drained and uninterested. Which is abnormal as hell for me. So I did…

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A much-needed day off

Dear Diary, So, I’m writing this entry on my phone in bed. Rebecca’s bed. While she makes me a sammich. We just finished watching the J.K Rowling story on Lifetime, and, I’m not gonna lie, it gave me all kinds of feels. That she started out as a single mother on welfare and kept at…

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A Busy Little Demoness

Dear Diary, I’ve been a busy little demoness today. No lie. I spent a considerable chunk of time working on my upcoming Patreon (so many awesome rewards for being a supporter, just wait and see), reclassifying a slew of my eBooks and paperbacks to Romance/Romance Erotica (instead of strictly erotica), and learning a ton about…

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Today Was a Good Day

Dear Diary, Just waking up in the morning gotta thank god. I don’t know but today seems kinda odd. No barking from the dogs, no smog. And momma cooked a breakfast with no hog. 😀 Just playing. If you got the above reference (today’s entry title should have made it click), then we can definitely…

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