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Qedesha Cover Reveal!

Yep, as promised, you guys are going to be the first ones to see the cover of Qedesha (Sacred Prostitution).  You’ll find it attached to the end of this entry. I’ve actually had the cover for a few days now, but I’m only sharing it now because the book is completely finished. As a matter…

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Happy New Years!

Wow. 2016 has been an amazing year for me. I started my writing career as an erotica author, Kinky Literature started its amazing website, and I found an amazing woman to have a serious monogamous relationship with. Not to mention all the neat and interesting people I met. I never knew so many cool, weird,…

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So the first thing I see this morning is Google telling me I might be interested in reading an article on self-publishing by someone I’ve never heard of named Laurie Gough. So, of course, I opened it. The post was an article she wrote in the Huffington Post titled “Self-Publishing: An Insult To The Written…

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An interesting discussion…

So I’m having an interesting conversation on Google +. Instead of going into detail, I’ll just paste it below. It started with the picture below…     Pamela Todd: So awesome Sjay james: Wow …. He has a testimony Tiffi Sea: This brings tears to my eyes. Clara Mechau: Why can’t life have more of this…

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Three Things…

So I learned three things today: I have an odorless vagina, at least according to an overly cheerful Rebecca this morning. (Who manages to be this way despite not drinking even one drop of coffee. Sometimes that woman makes me sick…) Girls like morning head just as much as guys do. (Such an awesome fucking…

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Being freaky in public…

Do you know how hard it is to write erotica in public? More specifically, at the doctor’s office surrounded by old ladies and kids? Very hard. Like, impossibly hard. Like, I gave up entirely and decided to jump on their Wi-Fi and update my phone/tablet instead. See, I had to take Anne to the doctors…

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First, a health update: I am at about 85% of normal, which means I got a whirlwind of things done today – and now feel utterly exhausted. Writing-wise, I finished Qedesha’s Rough Draft yesterday and uploaded it; now I’m about halfway through the Red Edit. By the end of the day (while I’m watching the…

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Kinky Literature!

First of all, before I get into anything else, I want to give huge shout outs and love blasts towards Kinky Literature, Richie especially, for so many reasons – most recently for promoting me on Google+: I’ve only been in the writing game for a little under a year now, and they were the first…

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Maybe not dying…

OK, so I didn’t sleep at all last night due to fever and headache, but as the day drew on something amazing happened – I began feeling better! My headache faded, my fever gradually left, and the aches I was feeling all over my body are almost all gone. Right now, the only problems I’m…

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