Real Life © Rants
I’m feeling a little bit hostile today, for two very different reasons. And neither is writing. (Go ahead Reddit, spam report / downvote / troll / whine. I love you guys, but I give zero fucks.) 😀 Me and Anne (my client – I’m a part-time certified caregiver) decided to spend the day together and…
Read MoreA beautifully relaxing Sunday
Not alot to report today. I did absolutely nothing except sleep in, walk around in my underwear, and watch football with my brother. (#Cowboys, bitches!) Oh, and play the shit out of Chrono Trigger on my Super Nintendo. I have never beaten that game, and I’m hell-bent on doing it. Now. Several of you have…
Read MoreSTILL fighting with Amazon
So, I’m still fighting with Amazon over the publication of Erotic Urban Legends. They have decided to block the book from being published, sending me the following via email: “We have reviewed the information you provided and have determined that we will not be making the book(s) available for sale on Amazon at this…
Read MoreFighting with Amazon
As predicted, Amazon is fighting me about publishing Erotic Urban Legends. But not for the reason I thought they would. They’re not fighting with me about the actual content, but the authors that have submitted the stories to me. They want legal documentation for every author that submitted a story. Which, of course, I expected…
Read MorePendulum
I should have known that I wouldn’t get hardly any writing done today (was called in to work) – I was way too productive the other day. The only thing I really managed to do was yank Erotic Urban Legends from Smashwords and upload it to Amazon, where it’s going through the approval process. I…
Read MoreReally Pebble?!
Yeah, so Pebble completely fucked my day up. In case you haven’t heard yet, they were bought out by Fitbit and the future of their existing smartwatches is…shaky. Here’s why this matters to me: I have always been a huge advocate of Pebble, buying damn near every release of their smartwatches either for myself or…
Read MoreWriting, writing, and more writing!
I did so much writing and feel so brain dead as a result of it that I almost forgot to do today’s Diary entry! Luckily for me I didn’t forget, because somehow I’ve managed to keep this thing going day after day for…I don’t even know how long now. (I’m doing this entry from my…
Read MoreFrustrating. Infuriating. Champagne. :-D
This has been a frustrating day for me. Part of it is because my mind is a little bit addled; I could hardly get to sleep last night because I kept thinking of last minute additions and changes to my new short story, Qedesha, and then when I woke up today. Late. I had to…
Read MoreA beautifully boring day…
I spent most of the day reading. I managed to squeeze out a few hours of writing on Qedesha, but otherwise, my day was spent reading and loafing around the house. Hey, I can’t always be exciting and crazy, right? 😀 Until tomorrow, my loves… #Alexa
Read MoreThe Qedesha
Most of the day has been spent working on a Quickies story that I’m really trying to keep short titled Qedesha – it’s the child of a short burst of freakiness and historical fascination. If you don’t know what Qedesha means, I’ll save you the look up: According to Encyclopædia Britannica’s website, the Qedesha, also…
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